Finding Strength in Adversity - Overcoming Betrayal and Life's Challenges

Assalamu Alaikum, Friendzz!

In life, we often meet many people who come to teach us something valuable. Some are good, some are bad, but everyone has a reason to be in our lives. Some people become very attached to us, and when they leave, it hurts a lot. However, sometimes we cannot stop them, and even if we try, the beauty of the relationship fades. The pain of their departure is difficult, but how do we fight it?

Often, when someone betrays us, we lose trust in everyone. We start blaming others and make ourselves into people who are disliked by everyone. After failing, we blame everyone else. If a marriage doesn't work out, we blame someone else. If children misbehave, we give credit to someone else. We always put our mistakes on others and try to prove ourselves right. This is where we go wrong.

Embrace Accountability and Strength

A simple question to ask yourself: Would you like someone who is weak, broken, always angry, or constantly doubtful? Honestly, I wouldn't like such a person at all. It's normal to dislike such characters even in movies, so how can we like them in real life? However, if that character becomes a better and stronger person, everyone loves them, and the movie becomes a hit. For example, in the movie Sultan, the actor becomes very weak at one point, and people call the movie boring. But when he becomes a wrestler again, everyone loves the movie.

Share Happiness, Not Pain

I am trying to convey that you should keep your pain and problems to yourself. Share your happiness with everyone; that’s life. This world is not a place where people will come to solve your problems. Everyone has their own issues. Even a small child has the worry of homework, so you can imagine the worries of adults. So, how can you expect them to be available for you?

Control your emotions, feelings, and anger. In Islam, it's said, "Learn to control your desires; whoever does this is the best person." Because once you learn to manage your emotions, life becomes easier.

Overcome Regret and Embrace Strength

What if someone betrays you, leaves you after making promises of love or marriage? When everything slips from your hands, don’t regret it, because it won't come back. Thinking otherwise is foolish, and causing yourself pain is even more foolish. What will you gain from it? Nothing. You don't realize your own strength. The day you understand your strength, these small things won’t matter.

Take Risks and Face Fears

I've seen people who don’t take risks due to fear and always depend on a job. I’m not saying don’t work a job, but face your fears. Business might be risky, but life is about taking risks.

Move On and Grow

Some people cry their whole lives over a betrayal, blame others for everything, and never find happiness. They mourn for one person while many others in their life want to see them happy, but they don’t care. How can one be so selfish? Getting betrayed isn’t the worst thing. Move on, because betrayal can make you a better person. But I’m not saying knowingly put yourself in a position to get betrayed. Nowadays, people have many personalities. They show one side and say another. You can’t understand them until they want you to. But just because of the fear of betrayal, you can't stop loving. Love is essential in all relationships, whether it's between a girlfriend and boyfriend or a husband and wife.

Final Thoughts

So, my friends, my message is to not make yourself weak and don't showcase your pain to the world. Learn to control your emotions, think positively, and always do good, no matter how much bad happens to you. Have the strength to rise after being betrayed, and try to live life without depending on others. Then, see how you become a better person. Good luck!


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